
Lesson Plan November 24, 2023

Topic: Simple Present vs Present Continuous

In this lesson we will study and practise the differences between the present simple and present continuous.

Section A: Present Simple

We use the present simple to talk about repeated actions or permanent situations in the present:

  • I always travel to work by car.

  • I live in Madrid.

  • I sometimes play football on Sundays.

Section B: Present continuous

We use the present continuous to talk about actions happening now or around the present time:

  • I’m learning English at the moment.

  • I live in Madrid, but I’m staying in Barcelona this week.

NOTE: Only verbs of action can be used in the continuous form, e.g. I’m working, she’s singing, etc. Some verbs such as believe, know, love are states, not actions. State verbs can normally only be used in the simple form (I love, not I’m loving).

Section C: State Verbs

State verbs: want, like, love, hate, prefer, know, realise, understand, believe, remember, seem, mean, etc.

Some verbs can be action or state verbs, with a change in meaning:


  • I think you need to relax more. (= I believe, in my opinion)

  • I see that you are very tired. (= my observation)

  • She is stupid. (= her general character)


  • What are you thinking about? (think = ‘use your brain’)

  • A: ‘Where is Anne?’
    B: ‘I’m seeing her right now.’ (= ‘I’m meeting her’)

  • She is being stupid. (= ‘she is behaving in this way right now’)

Section D: SampleDialogue

A: What do you do?
B: I’m a salesman. I live and work in Rome.
A: Interesting. So, what are you doing here in London?
B: I’m just visiting. I love this city.

Lesson Notes


  • Ignition key; (noun) a key designed to start the engine of a motor vehicle

  • Firm; (noun) a business, especially a partnership of two or more people; often used for architects, accountants, lawyers etc

    • Tom works as an architect for a large firm in London. This month, his company is designing a new office for one of its main clients.

Simple Present vs Present Continuous

  • My daughter usually watches television, listens to music, or goes out in the evening.

  • This class consists of students who want to learn piano.

  • Tom works as an architect for a large firm in London. This month, his company is designing a new office for one of its main clients.

  • Yes, Janet is single, she isn't seeing anyone at the moment.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)