Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)

Topic: Wintertime

Lesson Notes November 21, 2023 (Vocabulary Building)

  • There are olive trees in front of OPA. The olives look ready to harvest.

  • My friend took me to kabuki, she had half-price tickets. (NOT half-fee tickets)

    • A: What did they perform? (NOT what did they play)
      B: They performed two plays and one dance.

  • At the evening performance there were two intermissions.

  • I got the flu vaccination, I had pain in my upper arm for two days.

    • The flu has been going around recently.

  • The other day, our work's phone service was down.

  • There was an accident at a horse track, three riders were injured and one horse was put down.


  • Perform; (verb) entertain an audience, typically by acting, singing, or dancing on stage

  • Intermission; (noun) a pause or break between parts of a play, film, or concert

  • Put down; (Phrasal verb) euthanize; kill (an animal) humanely, especially to stop it suffering


Section 5

  • 1 USA and Canada - The Yukon Quest

  • 2 Italy, Venice - Carnevale

  • 3 South Korea - Hwacheon Ice Festival

  • 4 Scotland, Shetland Islands - Up Helly Aa

  • 5 France - Menton Lemon Festival

Section 6

  • 3 The temperature is 20°C. (= twenty degrees celsius)

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



