
May 31, 2024 (FRIDAY ZOOM)

  • Her daughter took her out for lunch on Mother’s Day.

  • Shrinkflation happens when a chocolate bar becomes smaller, but the price stays the same.

    • Because of shrinkflation, the bag of chips has fewer chips inside, but it still costs the same amount of money.

    • Companies use shrinkflation to save money by giving us less product without lowering the price.

  • My fridge is leaking on the floor. (NOT to the floor)

    • Water is spilling onto the floor from my fridge.

    • There is water dripping onto the floor.

  • There might be something wrong with the thing that makes your fridge cold.

    • There could be a problem with the component that makes the freezer freeze.

  • My kitchen floor is linoleum.

  • I need to wipe up the leaking water every morning.

  • We bought new air conditioners for the upstairs and the bedrooms. We brought our old ones from the old house to put into our home offices.

  • We had a short course in photography. (NOT lecture)

  • Under the new system starting this year for climbers of Mt. Fuji, individuals must choose between a day hike or an overnight stay at one of the several available huts along the trail.

  • We are training to climb Mt. Fuji. (= exercising, physical conditioning)

  • We are preparing to climb Mt. Fuji. (= planning, gathering equipment)

  • We had to sign a release to climb the mountain because some people have fallen to their death before.


  • Shrinkflation; decrease in amount or package of food, but cost remains the same

  • “Refrigerator”, the short form is “fridge”, not “refridge”

  • Linoleum ( lɪˈnəʊlɪəm )

  • Lecture; an educational talk to an audience, especially one of students in a university

  • Course; a series of classes on a topic, often for learning, sometimes with examination

  • Hut; a small, simple, single-storey house or shelter

  • A release; a paper or document you sign before doing something risky

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Elementary)

