
Lesson Notes May 30, 2023 (TUESDAY ZOOM)

  • Vacant; (of a place) not occupied; empty

    • A lot of the times at the community centre are still vacant.

    • Are there any vacant seats?

  • Podium; (noun) a small platform on which a person may stand to be seen by an audience, as when making a speech or conducting an orchestra

    • The president stood at the podium and took questions from the press.

  • Reprimand; (noun) a formal expression of disapproval

    • The Prime Minister reprimanded his executive policy secretary

  • Leak; (verb) intentionally disclose (something private or secret)

    • I wonder who leaked those photos?

    • A report was leaked to the press before its publication.

  • Disarmament; a reduction or withdrawal of military forces and weapons

    • Japan has still not signed the nuclear disarmament treaty.

  • Cope with; (verb) deal effectively with something difficult

    • I’ve heard she has an excellent ability to cope with stress.

    • How are you coping with the extra time off?

  • Abduct; (verb) take (someone) away by force or deception; kidnap

    • Abduction; (noun) the action of taking someone away by force

    • Abductee; (noun) a person who has been taken way

    • Abductor; (noun) a person who takes someone away

  • Grudge; (verb / noun) used to describe a feeling of resentment or bitterness towards someone because of something they did to you in the past

    • Sarah held a grudge against her sister for borrowing her clothes without asking and returning them dirty.

    • Despite the apology, Mark still harboured a grudge towards his co-worker for taking credit for his idea.

    • The neighbours had a long-standing grudge that started with a noisy party and escalated into a series of disputes.

  • Patriotism (uncountable noun) / Patriotic (adjective)

  • Fallout shelter; (noun) a type of protective structure designed to provide shelter and safety to people during a nuclear or radiological event

    • During the Cold War, many families built underground fallout shelters in their backyards as a precaution against nuclear attacks.

    • The government designated several public buildings, such as schools and government offices, as official fallout shelters in case of a nuclear emergency.

    • The construction of a new neighbourhood included the installation of community fallout shelters to ensure the safety of residents in the event of a nuclear incident.

  • A: Did you catch the ping-pong game on TV?
    B: No, it was around midnight. So I caught the highlights on the news the next morning.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)


Everyday English (Elementary)