Lesson Notes March 4, 2025 (TUESDAY ZOOM)
Words & Phrases
When I was on the train coming home it had just started to snow.
I could see some snow flakes in the air.
It started to sleet in the afternoon, mixing rain and ice.
Sleet makes it hard to drive safely in winter.
There were (some / a few) drops of cooking oil on the counter.
It’s starting to rain. There are a couple of drops of rain on my glasses.
My cyclamen has new sprouts growing on it.
Freesias come in many colours, including white, yellow, and pink.
The weather was very good on Sunday. The park was full of tourists.
Every entrance was crowded. (NOT every entrances)
Another name for the canola plant or rape blossom plant is rapeseed.
Cyclamen (noun) ( ˈsaɪkləmən ) CY-cla-men
Apprentice (noun / verb) ( /əˈprɛntɪs ) a-PREN-tice
Appropriate Language
Sleet – Small ice pellets that form when raindrops freeze before hitting the ground.
Wet snow – Snow that partially melts as it falls, making it heavy and slushy.
‘Foreign’ is usually used when describing objects, products, or things rather than people. When referring to people, it’s often better to use terms like ‘international tourists’