
Lesson Notes March 4, 2025 (TUESDAY ZOOM)

Words & Phrases

  • When I was on the train coming home it had just started to snow.

    • I could see some snow flakes in the air.

  • It started to sleet in the afternoon, mixing rain and ice.

    • Sleet makes it hard to drive safely in winter.

  • There were (some / a few) drops of cooking oil on the counter.

    • It’s starting to rain. There are a couple of drops of rain on my glasses.

  • My cyclamen has new sprouts growing on it.

  • Freesias come in many colours, including white, yellow, and pink.

  • The weather was very good on Sunday. The park was full of tourists.

  • Every entrance was crowded. (NOT every entrances)

  • Another name for the canola plant or rape blossom plant is rapeseed.


  • Cyclamen (noun) ( ˈsaɪkləmən ) CY-cla-men

  • Apprentice (noun / verb) ( /əˈprɛntɪs ) a-PREN-tice

Appropriate Language

  • Sleet – Small ice pellets that form when raindrops freeze before hitting the ground.

  • Wet snow – Snow that partially melts as it falls, making it heavy and slushy.

  • Foreign’ is usually used when describing objects, products, or things rather than people. When referring to people, it’s often better to use terms like ‘international tourists

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)


Everyday English (Elementary)