
Lesson Plan March 1, 2024

Topic: Future Continuous

The future continuous has two forms: will be + -ing and be going to be + -ing.

Section A

We use the future continuous to talk about an activity that will be in progress at a particular time in the future.

  • We are planning to start dinner at 8pm and finish at 8.30pm.

    • At 8.15pm, we’ll be having dinner.

Section B

We often use a time clause (with a present tense) and the future continuous to talk about a future event that will happen when another activity is in progress.

  • We’ll be watching television when you arrive.

  • I’ll be waiting for you when your train arrives.

  • I’m going to be staying at the Hilton Hotel, if anything happens and you need to contact me.

This is the same structure as the first conditional (if/when + present, will + infinitive), but with the future continuous instead of will + infinitive.

Section C

We also use the future continuous to express the idea that two or more actions will be happening at the same time.

  • We’ll be watching television and you’ll be studying.

  • I’ll be eating dinner, but they’ll be studying.

  • While Joe is watching television, Tom will be reading a book.

Lesson Notes

  • My cyclamen is in a pot in the garden.

    • I have a potted cyclamen in the garden.


  • Pot; (verb) to plant in a flowerpot.

  • Pot; (noun) a container that holds flowers, plants etc

  • Potted; (adj) planted and grown in a pot

Future Continuous


  • Future Simple

    • As usual, she’ll talk throughout the entire film. And I’ll try to ignore her!

    • using "she’ll talk" and "I’ll try," suggests a simple future action for both the speaker and "she."

  • Future Continuous

    • As usual, she’ll be talking throughout the entire film. And I’ll be trying to ignore her!”

    • using "she’ll be talking" and "I’ll be trying," implies ongoing or continuous actions

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)