
Lesson Notes June 6, 2023 (TUESDAY ZOOM)

  • Cyberattack; (noun) an attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system.

    • "There was a big computer attack called a cyberattack.”

    • "Companies need to be careful because cyberattacks can steal information.”

    • "The police are investigating the cyberattack on the website.”

  • Copyright infringement; when someone uses or copies someone else's creative work without permission; copying someone's writing, music, art, or videos without their permission.

    • Two people wee arrested and found guilty of copyright infringement.

    • Making photocopies of a book without the author's permission is an act of copyright infringement.

    • Uploading and sharing a movie online without the consent of the filmmakers is a clear case of copyright infringement.

    • Using someone else's photographs on a website without obtaining proper licensing or permission constitutes copyright infringement.

  • The movie is based on a true-story.

    • The book I just finished reading was based on true-story.

    • Is this based on a true-story?

  • I asked the ChatGPT AI bot how it would resolve an issue between two people arguing. (“It” would be the pronoun to use, not he or she)

  • A: When do you (expect to / think you’ll) stop driving?
    B: Perhaps in the next decade or so as my eyes get worst.

    • Does your car have an automatic braking system?

    • You can’t rely on this system 100%, sometimes it stops working.

  • Tailgate; (verb) drive too closely behind (another vehicle)

    • I have a dash cam in my car. I got it after having an incident with someone tailgating me.

    • How much memory does your dash cam have?

  • I never drive in the rain or at night, or on freeways.

    • My driving may irritate other drivers.

Compare Retirement Homes and Nursing Homes (NOT silver homes, nor silver cars, silver drivers - these are not expressions known in English)

  • Overall, retirement homes are geared toward older adults who want to maintain some independence while receiving support with daily tasks; also called assisted living facility

  • While nursing homes are designed for people who require more comprehensive medical care and supervision.

  • There are also Senior Apartments, Retirement Communities, and Continuing Care Retirement Communities;  these are residential buildings or communities that are designed specifically for older adults, with features and amenities tailored to their needs and preferences

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)


Everyday English (Elementary)