Everyday English (Elementary)
Topic: Weekends
Lesson Notes January 28, 2025 (Elementary)
Words & Phrases
My new glasses are giving me a headache.
I was trying to read a train sign but couldn’t, so I kept squinting and leaning forward to see it.
My glasses are for (reading / driving).
My glasses have bifocals.
I don’t wear my glasses when I dance. I can see my dance partners around me, but I can’t see the audience.
How was your weekend? Did you do something?
My hair has been tangled, so I got a straight perm and a treatment.
Now I have lustrous hair.
This shop in the Keio Department Store is closing.
I’m going to be working at a facial salon. I will be doing facials.
Astigmatism (noun) ( əˈstɪɡ.məˌtɪz.əm ) a-STIG-ma-tism
Appropriate Language
“Go” is used for activities or events; usually when leaving a place
Do you want to go swimming?
They go hiking every weekend.
“Play” is used for sports, games for entertainment or competition
I like to play tennis.
Can you play poker?
Let’s play a game!
“Do” is used for activities, tasks, or actions; especially when the activity doesn’t fit with “go” or “play”
I have to do my homework tonight.
She likes to do yoga in the morning.
What are we doing this weekend?
Section 2
Cook (breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper / brunch)
Eat up
Stay at home (stay in) / stay in the living room
Play mahjong (NOT do mahjong)
Play golf