
January 27, 2023 (FRIDAY ZOOM)

  • Let’s do both operations for cataracts and glaucoma together.

  • Where (are you having / is) your surgery?

  • Burst / burst / burst (NOT bursted)

    • It was freezing cold, luckily none of the pipes burst.

    • The outdoor faucet was frozen, but luckily the pipe didn’t burst.

  • Compare these different uses of programme

    • A planned series of future events or performances

      • The movie theatre has a new weekly programme of films

    • A broadcasted TV or radio show

      • Did you catch the nature programme on channel 6 last night?

    • A sheet or booklet giving details of performers at a performance

      • This programme has a lot of interesting information about the performers in the show tonight.

  • Intermission; (noun) an break between parts of a play, film, or concert

    • There were three or four intermissions during the play.

  • Cashier ( ka-sheer ) (NOT kash-er )

    • After using the self-checkout machine I walked off, the cashier came over to me and returned the money I forgot in the machine.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Elementary)

