
Lesson Plan January 27, 2023

Topic: A friend of mine / My own house / On my way & by myself

In this lesson we will be looking at using phrases such as a friend of mine, my own house, on my own / by myself.

Section A

We say (a friend) of mine / yours / his / hers / our / theirs

  • I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of mine is getting married. (NOT a friend of me)

  • We went on holiday with some friends of ours. (NOT some friends of us)

  • Mike had an argument with a neighbour of his.

  • It was a good idea of yours to go to the cinema.

  • That women over there is a friend of my sister’s. (= one of my sister’s friends)

  • It was a good idea of Akiko’s to go to the museum on a Thursday.

Section B

We use my / your / his / her / its / our / their before own. My own … / your own … etc = something that is only mine / yours, not shared or borrowed.

  • I don’t want to share a room with anybody. I want my own room.

  • They recently bought their own house.

  • It’s a shame that this apartment hasn’t got its own parking space.

You can also say a room of my own, a house of your own, problems of his own etc

  • I’d like to have a tablet of my own.

  • He won’t be able to drive you, he doesn’t have a car of his own.

Section C

We also use own to say that we do something ourselves instead of somebody else doing it for us.

  • Brian usually cuts his own hair. (= he cuts it himself, he doesn’t go to a barber)

  • I’d like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables. (= grow them myself instead of buying them from shops)

Section D

On my own and by myself both mean alone

  • on (my / your ./ his / her / its / our / their) own

  • by (myself / yourself / himself / herself / itself / ourselves / yourselves / themselves)

  • I like living (on my own / by myself).

  • A: Did you go on holiday (on your own / by yourself)?
    B: No, with a friend.

  • Jack was sitting (on his own / by himself) in a corner of the cafe.

  • Learner drivers are not allowed to drive (on their own / by themselves).

Lesson Notes

  • Compare these two sentences

    • The weather forecast says it’ll snow later this afternoon.

    • The weather forecast is calling for snow later this afternoon.

  • Compare how to use own

    • We use own after a possessive word

      • It’s nice if a child can have her own room. (NOT an own room)

      • I’m my own boss.

    • Note the structure a … of one’s own

      • It’s nice if a child can have a room of her own.

      • I’d like to have a car of my own.

    • We can use own without a following noun

      • A: Would you like to borrow one of my pens?
        B: No thanks. I have my own.

  • A: What should I do this weekend?
    B: Well, I’m meeting a friend for lunch.
    A: What about me?
    B: I’m not making a decision for you. You must have your own decision.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)