Everyday English (Elementary)

Topic: Prepare and Cook Food

Lesson Notes January 14, 2025 (Elementary)

Words & Phrases

  • How is your cough? Is it getting better?

  • The interface for Zoom has changed.

  • After Christmas and New Year’s, there were a lot of cardboard boxes to break down.

  • In mahjong, players use markers or scoring sticks to keep track of score. Sometimes poker-style chips or coins are used instead of sticks.

  • She made many faces at everyone.

    • If she doesn’t get her nap she gets cranky.

  • Most kids once they start to dress themselves get stubborn.

  • We’ve been preparing for the next event with joint practices.


  • Stubborn (adj) ( ˈstʌb.ən ) STUB-born

  • Margarine (noun) ( ˈmɑː.dʒə.rɪn ) MAR-ga-rine

Appropriate Language

  • Break down (phrasal verb) to separate something into smaller parts or pieces; usually for garbage or recycling

  • Pat; gently touch someone or something; showing affection or approval

    • She patted her dog on the head.

    • I patted my friend on the back to say “Good job”.

  • Tap; touch something quickly and lightly; to get attention or make a sound

    • He tapped on the window to get the kitten’s attention.

    • I tapped the screen to open the app.

  • Pet; to gently touch or stroke an animal in a loving way

    • She petted the cat as it purred.

    • Kids like to pet the rabbits at the farm

  • Poke; push your fingers or something sharp into someone or something

    • I poked my brother in the face to get his attention.

    • Do not poke the cake before we eat it!

Prepare and Cook Food

  • Before you start baking, make sure to preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

  • Bake the cake in a 200 degree oven.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



