Everyday English (Elementary)
Topic: Prepare and Cook Food
Lesson Notes January 14, 2025 (Elementary)
Words & Phrases
How is your cough? Is it getting better?
The interface for Zoom has changed.
After Christmas and New Year’s, there were a lot of cardboard boxes to break down.
In mahjong, players use markers or scoring sticks to keep track of score. Sometimes poker-style chips or coins are used instead of sticks.
She made many faces at everyone.
If she doesn’t get her nap she gets cranky.
Most kids once they start to dress themselves get stubborn.
We’ve been preparing for the next event with joint practices.
Stubborn (adj) ( ˈstʌb.ən ) STUB-born
Margarine (noun) ( ˈmɑː.dʒə.rɪn ) MAR-ga-rine
Appropriate Language
Break down (phrasal verb) to separate something into smaller parts or pieces; usually for garbage or recycling
Pat; gently touch someone or something; showing affection or approval
She patted her dog on the head.
I patted my friend on the back to say “Good job”.
Tap; touch something quickly and lightly; to get attention or make a sound
He tapped on the window to get the kitten’s attention.
I tapped the screen to open the app.
Pet; to gently touch or stroke an animal in a loving way
She petted the cat as it purred.
Kids like to pet the rabbits at the farm
Poke; push your fingers or something sharp into someone or something
I poked my brother in the face to get his attention.
Do not poke the cake before we eat it!
Prepare and Cook Food
Before you start baking, make sure to preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Bake the cake in a 200 degree oven.