Lesson Notes December 24, 2024 (TUESDAY ZOOM)
Words & Phrases
Do you ever feel dizzy?
Do you suffer from dizziness?
Cases of influenza are rising across the country.
Shingles are spreading among older people.
Tesla Motors was named as a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.
I heard there was a test-run for driverless cars in Shinjuku.
The new supermarket sells large packages of meat.
The shop sells a few types of crabs.
There is a good restaurant in the Yokohama Pier.
Shingles ( ˈʃɪŋ.ɡəlz ) SHIN-gles
Singles ( ˈsɪŋ.ɡəlz ) SIN-gles
Appropriate Language
Rise (verb) to go up or increase by itself (no object needed)
Spread (verb) affecting more people over time