
Lesson Plan August 4 2023

Topic: Adjectives (-ED & -ING)

In this lesson we will look the differences between -ed and -ing adjectives.

There are different endings to the adjectives we can use to describe feelings.

Section A (-ED adjectives)

These adjectives are used to describe how a person or an animals feels. Nouns in these sentences are things that are alive.

  • I am bored because I have nothing to do.

  • Susanne is excited because she is going on holiday tomorrow.

  • My cat is frightened because of the storm.

  • He’s not interested in his job anymore.

  • Everyone was surprised that he passed the exam.

  • We were all shocked when we heard the news.

NOTE: these adjectives can also be used to describe objects, but for now we will focus on things with feelings.

Section B (-ING adjectives)

These adjectives are used to show the cause of a feeling. The noun in the sentences causes this feeling.

  • The game is exciting.

  • That song is annoying

  • The trip was tiring.

  • A: Did you think that the movie was boring?
    B: Yes, the movie was so boring, I fell asleep half-way through it.

  • The news has been so depressing lately.

  • Was the party interesting?

Section C

Here are some of the adjectives we will be covering in this lesson. If you are unfamiliar with any of the words, feel free to check a dictionary.

  • confused / embarrassed / frightened / interested / refreshed / satisfied / shocked / thrilled

  • relaxing / depressing / exciting / worrying / boring / tiring / disappointing / annoying

Lesson Notes

Compare these examples

  • Julia thinks politics is interesting.

  • Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?

  • Julia is interested in politics. (NOT interesting in politics)

  • Are you interested in buying a car? I’m trying to sell mine.

  • It was surprising that he passed the exam.

  • Everybody was surprised that he passed the exam.

  • The movie was disappointing. We expected it to be much better.

  • We were disappointed with the movie. We expected it to be much better.

  • The news was shocking.

  • I was shocked when I heard the news.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)