
Lesson Notes October 31, 2023 (TUESDAY ZOOM)

  • Is that shirt black and red or blue and red?

    • (I want to know / Could you tell me) if that shirt is black and red or blue and red?

  • Jerusalem is an ancient holy city and a centre of pilgrimage for Jews, Christians and Muslims.

  • I watch YouTube on the TV, the screen is much bigger, and easier to see.

    • I watch several bonsai YouTube Channels.

    • What kind of videos do you watch on YouTube?

  • Line has a background animation if you mention Halloween.

  • How many trick or treaters did you have last night?
    We had about 50 kids.

  • Before there was a costume shop in OPA. (= A shop where you can buy costumes)

  • The suspect shot at a doctor, and then fled the scene.

    • There are rumours the suspect might be barricaded inside a post office.


  • Palestine ( PAL-uh-stahyn )

  • Palestinian ( pal-uh-STIN-ee-uhn )

  • Jerusalem ( ji-ROO-suh-luhm )

  • YouTube Channel; a platform on YouTube where users or creators can upload and organize their videos for public viewing

  • Trick or Treat

    • Noun; said by children to ask for sweets when calling at someone's home at Halloween, typically in costume

    • Verb; go from door to door at Halloween asking for sweets with the exclamation ‘trick or treat’

  • Shoot; (verb) past and past participle “shot”

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)


Everyday English (Elementary)