November 15, 2024 (FRIDAY ZOOM)
Words & Phrases
Phil and I ended up walking around 20 kilometres yesterday.
Have you started using your heaters yet?
Countries that still use coal, often produce more pollution than other countries.
Fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas, are contributing CO2 to the atmosphere, which is making climate change worse.
“Burning” is used to describe something that is extremely hot.
Summers in Tokyo have been burning these past few years.
“Boiling” is used to describe something that is very hot.
Turn the heat down, it’s boiling in here.
The autumn leaves are looking beautiful outside my house.
How often do you (clean / pick) up autumn leaves?
There are a lot of fallen leaves on the ground near my house.
Some cities in Canada have a water ban during the summer. You aren’t allowed to water your gardens because water reserves are very low.
Fossil fuels ( ˈfɒs.əl fjʊəl ) FOS-sil FUEL