
Lesson Plan March 31, 2023

Topic: Both, Either, Neither 02

In this lesson we will continue looking at how we use determiners in our everyday conversations.

Section A

We use both (A+B) / either (A or B)/ neither (A nor B) to talk about two things or people

  • Rebecca has two children. Both are married. (both = the two children)

  • You can have either tea or coffee, which would you like? (either = tea or coffee)

  • A: Do you want to go to the cinema or the theatre?
    B: Neither. I want to stay at home. (neither = not the cinema or the theatre)

Compare either and neither

  • Would you like tea or coffee?
    Either. I don’t mind. (= tea or coffee)
    I don’t want either. (NOT I don’t want neither)
    Neither, I don’t want a drink. (= not tea or coffee)

Section B

When we use both / either / neither we have to pay attention to the form of the noun that follows

Both + plural noun
(Either / Neither) + singular noun

  • Last year I went to Paris and Rome. I like both cities very much.

  • First I worked in an office, and later in a shop. Neither job was very interesting.

  • There are two way from here to the station. You can go either way.

Section C

When we use both / either / neither we have to pay attention to what follows

Both + (of) + the …
(Either / Neither) + of + (these / those / my / your / Paul’s etc)

  • Neither of my parents is British. (NOT neither my parents are British)

  • I haven’t read either of these books.

You can say both of (the / those / my etc) or both (the / those / my etc); with or without of

  • I like both of those pictures.
    I like both those pictures.

  • Both of Paul’s sisters are married.
    Both Paul’s sisters are married.

  • But …
    Neither of Paul’s brothers is married. (NOT Neither Paul’s brothers are married)

Section D

When we use both / either / neither with the pronouns them / us / you, we have to use of

(Both / Either / Neither) + of + (them / us / you)

  • Paul has two sisters. Both of them are married.

  • Paul also has two brothers. Neither of them is married.

  • Sue and I didn’t eat anything. Neither of us was hungry.

  • A: Do you know who those two people are?
    B: Not a clue. I don’t know either of them.

Lesson Notes

  • It’s better to play sophisticated jokes or pranks on April Fools’ Day, rather than crude ones.

  • Both curtains are open. Both windows are open.

    • Both windows and curtains are open

  • Neither of them is wearing a hat.

    • Neither man is wearing a hat. (NOT neither men)

  • Both men have beards.

    • Both of them have beards. (NOT are having)

    • Both men are wearing beards.

    • She has long hair, but wears it up in a bun.”

  • Compare these two sentences

    • Either the students or the teacher is planning to come.

    • Either the teacher or the students are planning to come.

    • When we use either or neither the verbs agrees with the closer noun

  • We can use bothand …, neithernor …, eitheror

    • Both Chris and Paul were early for the meeting.

    • I was both tired and hungry when I finally got back home.

    • Neither Steve nor his wife came to the party.

    • There was an accident in the street where we live, but we neither saw nor heard anything.

    • I’m not sure where Maria’s from. She’s either Spanish or Italian.

    • Either you apologize, or I’ll never speak to you again.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)