
June 9, 2023 (FRIDAY ZOOM)

  • Do you have anything to (talk / chat) about?

    • Do you have any topics to (talk / chat) about?

  • Diced; (adjective) (of food) cut into small cubes

    • I bought frozen diced avocado at the supermarket, it’s convenient to use.

    • She sprinkled some diced onions over the pizza before baking it in the oven.

    • I prefer my salsa with chunky diced peppers for an extra crunch.

    • (Verb form) The chef skillfully diced the vegetables into perfectly uniform cubes for the stir-fry

  • The woman next door has lived there for a long time. (NOT the next door woman / woman next door neighbour)

  • Retrospective; (noun / adjective) (of an exhibition or compilation) showing the development of an artist's work over a period of time

    • (Noun form) There is a Henri Matisse retrospective at the art museum at Ueno.

    • (Adjective form) The art museum at Ueno is hosting a retrospective exhibition featuring the works of Henri Matisse.

Compare Incident & Accident

  • Incident; unexpected events that may cause disruption or inconvenience

    • Examples of incidents

    • Spilling a cup of coffee on the table.

    • Forgetting to bring your lunch to school or work.

    • Misplacing your keys and temporarily being unable to find them.

    • Getting a paper cut while flipping through a book.

    • Slipping on a wet floor but managing to catch yourself before falling.

  • Accident; specifically involve harm, injury, or damage

    • Examples of accidents

    • Falling off a bike and spraining your wrist.

    • Bumping into a shelf, causing a vase to fall and break.

    • Tripping on a loose carpet and breaking a bone.

    • Rear-ending another car due to a momentary lapse in concentration.

    • Slipping on a patch of ice and fracturing your ankle.

Compare Grow & Grow Up

  • Grow; verb means to become larger, increase in size, or develop over time. It can refer to plants, animals, or even people.

    • Plants need sunlight and water to grow.

    • The company has grown significantly over the past year.

    • The population of the city is expected to grow by 10% in the next decade.

    • You children have really grown since I last saw them, they are all getting so tall.

  • Grow up; phrasal verb specifically refers to the process of maturing or becoming an adult.

    • When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.

    • Sarah grew up in a small town and later moved to the city.

    • It's important to teach children how to handle money as they grow up.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Elementary)

