Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)

Topic: Television

Lesson Notes June 20, 2023 (Vocabulary Building)

  • The movie is about an elderly lady who is a passenger in a taxi.

  • A: How’s your throat?
    B: Thanks for asking. I (have recovered / am getting better).

  • The pain was in (the back of) my throat.

    • It hurt to swallow. My throat felt like it was burned.

  • When the students are riding they can take off their masks, afterwards when they come to my office they put on their masks.

    • Wearing a mask when exercise makes it hard to breathe.

  • Bronchitis (気管支炎)

  • My normal body temperate is around 35.8 celsius.

  • Last summer was so hot, I cooled my body with a cold wet towel.

  • I went to a movie last week.

    • Jason Momoa plays the villain.

    • Where does the movie take place?


  • I watch the (morning / evening) news.

  • Soap opera; a type of television show that tells ongoing stories about the lives of fictional characters. It usually focuses on the relationships and dramatic events happening to these characters in their daily lives.

  • Melodrama; a type of storytelling that emphasizes exaggerated emotions, intense conflicts, and sensational plot developments

  • I watch the evening news on Channel 7.

    • He watches the CBC news.

  • Talk show; a type of television or radio program where a host or hosts engage in conversations with guests or panelists. The primary focus of a talk show is to facilitate discussion and exchange of ideas on a wide range of topics.

  • Cookery show / cooking show

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



