
June 2, 2023 (FRIDAY ZOOM)

  • Now there is heavy rain in my area. (NOT now is heavy)

    • Aichi has heavy rain now. (NOT Aichi is heavy)

  • You might be enjoying a quiet house now.

  • In the sentence below we use used to + verb to show that something was done regularly in the past, but not now.

    • There is a room my parents used to use. They used to stay there only on weekends.

  • My one daughter wanted to (meet / see) her nephews.

  • We needed to leave around 9 o’clock. (NOT needed to start; we typically use start for the beginning of an activity or task)

  • Mount Takao has an elevation of approximately 599 meters. Tokyo Skytree is a broadcasting and observation tower that stands at a height of 634 meters. Therefore, the Tokyo Skytree is taller than Mount Takao by approximately 35 meters.

  • I had to do the backup by myself, the store staff could not help me. Luckily in the end I was able to restore all my data.

  • Typhoons are becoming stronger year by year. (NOT becoming strong)

  • Model home; (in North American) a house on a newly built neighbourhood which is furnished and decorated to be shown to prospective buyers; a show home

    • (Japan) a show home built among other show homes to show prospective buyers options for homes to be built elsewhere.

  • "Playing tennis outdoors makes me feel refreshed.” (= give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate) (NOT gives me freshness)

  • Seto Inland Sea (= Seto Naikai in Japanese)

  • Weed; (verb) remove unwanted plants from

    • I have to weed the garden every week. (NOT pick up the weeds)

    • Last summer, I weeded my garden nearly every day to make sure the plants didn’t get choked out.

    • Can you weed the flower beds while I mow the lawn?

    • She loves to spend her weekends weeding her yard and making it look perfect.

  • Weed; (noun) unwanted plant growing

    • I can't believe how many weeds have sprouted up in my garden.

    • This year, I'm determined to keep the weeds under control in my backyard.

    • The landscaper suggested laying down weed fabric before planting any new shrubs or flowers.

Compare these two sentences

  • "I couldn't recharge my phone, there was a problem with the port.”

    • This sentence emphasizes the subject’s (the speaker) inability to recharge their phone.

  • "My phone couldn't be recharged, there was a problem with the port.”

    • The subject of the sentence is "my phone," suggesting that the phone itself was unable to be recharged because of the port problem.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Elementary)

