Everyday English (Elementary)

Topic: Describing Friends

Lesson Notes July 2, 2024 (Elementary)

  • I feel sluggish because of the summer heat.

    • The summer heat is making me sluggish.

    • The temperature is rising, you’ll get sluggish.

  • I haven’t fully recovered yet.

    • I am still a bit sick.

  • My hula sister and I went to see our teacher’s dance recital.

    • Chūkyō television sponsored that event.

    • That event was sponsored by Chūkyō television.

  • There was traditional and modern hula dances.

    • I was (moved / impressed) with their dancing.

  • We can use “hurt” in a general way to mean pain or injury, to any part of our body

    • I hurt my lower back.

    • If you jump off that high place you’ll hurt your legs.

    • He hurt his hand playing tennis.

    • I hurt my back in my twenties.

  • We can use “end up” to say the result of something

    • I was feeling dizzy on the stairs and ended up falling down and hurting my lower back.

    • He was cooking dinner and ended up burning his face.

    • The train was late so I ended up missing the start of the movie.

  • What’s the most common injury in (hula / tennis / baseball / gardening / cooking etc)?

  • What part of your body are you focusing on in the gym?

  • Their car stopped and broke down on the highway.

    • They were on their way to a memorial service.

    • My sister said that I am a (godsend / super sister).


  • Sluggish; (adj) having little or no energy

  • Break down; (verb) (for a machine, car etc) suddenly stop working properly

  • Godsend; (noun) a very helpful person or item

  • In one’s (childhood / teens / twenties / thirties / forties etc); a period in a person’s life

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



