Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)
Topic: Work Words
Lesson Notes January 21, 2025 (Vocabulary Building)
Words & Phrases
I have astigmatism in one of my eyes, I never remember which one.
My mother is getting cataract surgery, and after that, she hopes she can see better.
Midori Sushi has take-out and a counter.
Has anyone tried the brand-new Tokyo Soup Stock?
There is a dairy farm 10 minutes away from Hachioji station that sells delicious soft-serve.
Cataract (noun) ( ˈkæt.ə.rækt ) CAT-a-ract
Astigmatism (noun) ( əˈstɪɡ.mə.tɪ.zəm ) as-TIG-ma-tism
Appropriate Language
“Astigmatism” is a condition where the shape of the eye doesn’t focus light on the retina properly, leading to blurred vision.
“Soft-serve ice cream” or “soft-serve” is the type of ice cream that is dispensed from a machine and has a soft, smooth texture.
The other type is “hard ice cream” or “scooped ice cream”
Work Words
Section 6
My son was working towards passing the paramedic exam.
I’m working towards watching movies without subtitles.
After the pandemic, hotels are working up to attracting new guests.
Getting tickets for sumo is difficult, I need to find a work around.
Washington has got their work cut out for them with such a crazy President.
I’m new in the company, so I’ve got my work cut out for me.