
February 9, 2024 (FRIDAY ZOOM)

  • Look! This is the muffler I knitted.

    • I knitted this muffler.

  • He blatantly made sexist remarks. (Adjective)

    • He is a sexist. (Noun)

  • Was the food (hot / spicy)? (= spice level)

    • The soup was served cold, not hot. (= temperate)

  • The Odakyu OX is going to close for renovations for two weeks.

    • The new supermarket is scheduled to open in September of this year.

  • By the way, does anyone know a good recycle shop?

  • My house is full of junk, there are so many things I want to get rid of.

  • The next door house is vacant, but for over three months the family visited to clean it out.

    • Next month, the house will be demolished.

    • The house beside mind was demolished, not it’s a vacant lot.


  • Sexist; (adj) prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women

    • (Noun) a person with sexist views

  • By the way; (phrase) used to introduce a new topic in a conversation

  • Junk; (uncountable noun) old or unwanted articles

  • Vacant; (adj) not occupied, empty

  • Demolish; (verb) to tear down or destroy a house or building

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Elementary)

