Everyday English (Elementary)

Topic: Making Small Talk

Lesson Notes February 28, 2023 (Elementary)

  • Where did you go last week? (Go asks about place)

    • What did you do last week? (Do asks about activity

  • The flowers were in full bloom. (NOT full in bloom)

    • Are the flowers in bloom?

  • Did people have cherry blossom picnics? (Informal; friends, family)

    • … cherry blossom parties? (Formal; co-workers, classmates)

  • Geyser; a hot springs which sends water and steam into the air

    • The geyser erupts one time an hour.

    • The (sign / schedule) says the geyser erupts at 11:30 and 1:30. (NOT the sign reads)

  • (Lower / Middle / Upper) back

  • My doctor (gave / prescribed) me another allergy medicine.

    • I had hey fever for about a week. I recovered (in / after) a week.

    • My new allergy medicine makes me sleepy, so I take it only at night

Making Small Talk

  • “The rooms aren’t very good here.” (= not of good quality. This could mean that the rooms are small, uncomfortable, outdated, poorly maintained etc)

  • (best) fantastic / great / good / ok / bad / terrible / horrible (worst)

  • "Not bad" means something is okay or decent. It's better than bad, but not great.

  • "Not so bad" means the same thing as "not bad," but with a slightly more positive opinion.

    • The food at the restaurant was not (so) bad. (meaning the food was decent or satisfactory)

    • The weather today is not (so) bad. (meaning the weather is okay or acceptable)

  • "Not good" means something is bad or not enjoyable. It's the opposite of good.

  • “Not so good" means the same thing as "not good," but with a slightly more negative opinion.

    • The movie we watched was not (so) good. (meaning the movie was bad or disappointing)

    • My sandwich is not (so) good. (meaning the sandwich doesn't taste good)

  • "So-so" means something is neither good nor bad. It's just okay or average.

    • A: How was your day?
      B: It was so-so. (meaning the day was neither great nor terrible)

    • I thought the concert was so-so. (meaning the concert was not great, but not terrible either)


Practice saying out loud the sentences in Section 1 and 2; pay attention to the vocabulary. You will you this vocabulary in Section 3

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



