Lesson Notes February 27, 2024 (TUESDAY ZOOM)
The wind today is like a typhoon.
The windspeed is 10 m/s. (= ten metres per second)
The wind is gusting up to 74 km/h. (= seventy-four kilometres per hour)
This morning I suddenly sneezed and my eyes got itchy.
How did you hurt your shoulder? (NOT why)
His sumo record is unbeatable, it’ll be a long time before someone beats it.
The Sumo Association wanted to hold an emergency board meeting on Friday to discuss Hokuseiho’s retirement.
An old man in the supermarket was complaining loudly.
Hearing him made me uncomfortable. (= passive action)
Listening to him made me uncomfortable. (= active action)
Some supermarkets are carrying airlines’ in-flight meals.
I’m getting used to using self-checkout, but sometimes I still want to use a cashier.
I felt anxious using the self-checkout, there were a few people waiting behind me.
The shopping carts are locked to each other. You have to insert a coin to unlock one. Afterward, you lock your cart to retrieve your coin.
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“How” asks about the manner or way, or by what means
“Why” asks about the reason
Self-checkout; (uncountable noun) a system that customers scan and pay for the goods without a cashier
Cashier ( ka-SHEER )