
August 9, 2024 (FRIDAY ZOOM)

Words & Phrases

  • Earlier this week we had a thunderstorm. (Thunderstorm (n) a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail)

  • The dentist doesn’t have any parking spaces, so I had to take the train and walk there.

  • The udon shop has a new item on their menu, and its donuts!

    • Sugar donuts have a lot of calories.

  • There was a major earthquake in Kyushu yesterday.

    • Kyushu had a major earthquake yesterday.

  • Seismologists have said there is a chance of a major earthquake along the Nankai trough, so we should take precautions.

  • I think most animals have a sixth sense about natural occurrences.

  • Sophie is an indoor cat, she is not an outdoor one.

  • I have nothing special planned for the coming holidays.

    • We have a three-day weekend coming up.

    • We have a long weekend coming up.

  • I’m visiting my parents grave at Choukoku Temple which is near Aoyama Cemetery.

    • My families’ souls will visit this coming Obon, so I need to be at home.

    • Do you have a (alter / household shine) at home?

  • See notes below for the highlighted key vocabulary

    • The family gathers around the altar every morning to make their daily offerings and pray for good fortune.

    • The small shrine in the living room holds photos and mementos of the family's ancestors.

    • As part of their tradition, they place fresh flowers and incense as an offering at the Buddhist altar.

  • When you light some incense the smell fills a room.

    • Do you use a lighter or a match to light incense?

    • Make sure you put out the candle before you leave the room.


  • In everyday usage, it is common to refer to the specialist by their title ("dentist / seismologist / etc") rather than describing the practice or field (“dentistry / seismology / etc”).

  • In English, 仏壇 can be translated as "Buddhist altar" or "family shrine." Here are some key vocabulary words related to this:

    • Altar: A platform or table used for religious ceremonies

    • Shrine: A sacred place dedicated to a deity or ancestor

    • Offering: Items like incense, food, or flowers presented in worship or respect

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Everyday English (Elementary)

