Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)

Topic: Cooking & Eating

Lesson Notes August 13, 2024 (Vocabulary Building)

Words & Phrases

  • The last I checked the teams were tied.

    • They are still in the middle of the game.

    • After the ninth inning they were still tied, so they played extra-innings.

  • My favourite team, which won the final last year, played this morning.

    • I watched another game and one of the teams was in last year’s final.". (= in the final game, maybe did not win)

  • The train we took was full.

    • The seats on the train were full.

  • A week before our trip, we booked a room at a traditional inn, but we could only get one without meals.

  • How do you book your holidays? Do you use a travel company?

    • I almost always book my own hotels and transportation.

  • My family doesn’t like staying away from home, so we often just do day trips.

  • On a typical work day my son’s ambulance gets called out 15 or more times. (Call out (phrase); summon someone to deal with an emergency or provide a service)

  • I rented the red dress from my teacher.

    • The red dress was a renal from my teacher.

  • How many costume changes did you do?

    • At this event I did two costumer changes, my other hula sisters had to do three or four.

Cooking & Eating

Section 5

  • It looks like a normal inarizushi, but the inside isn’t vinegar rice, instead it uses soba noodles. It still has the sweet inari skin taste.

  • I was invited to a really delicious restaurant, I had raw squid. It was very fresh, in Tokyo it’s usually white, but here it was clear. It was sweet and had a sticky texture.

  • I didn’t like this at first, but now it’s one of my favourite, fried zucchini flowers. A disgusting dish I have tried is stir fried bee larva.

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



