January 20, 2021
The images below tell the story of what I saw as I walked around Tokyo on January 20th, 2021.
What did you do on this day?
In the spirit of being honest and transparent with this project, which is supposed to be a reflection upon the past year — I neglected to write in the my journal for this day. Accidentally or purposefully? Looking back at my journal I have an entry for January 17, 2021 and January 27, 2021, between them is a blank page. I think that is an apt summation for the start of 2021.
The only certainty I have is that all the images were taken within a kilometre of my home in Komae city, owing to the fact of the situation; Covid-19 was now in full effect around the world. Reflecting back upon January 2020 and January 2021, the differences in these two years could not be more stark.
How do you feel about the photos a year later?
These photos were a mystery in the days leading up to looking at them after a year, my mind was drawing a blank. I could not recall a single image, nor could I even recall the route that I walked. Typically all this information I write in my journal. This day was a blank. However, after seeing the images for the first time and reflecting on them I can trace a rough route I took. With the exception of a couple images, the location and the why I snapped certain frames elude me.
There is no great mystery to solve, or even to ponder upon. All I can say with certainty is that January 20, 2022 is written in my journal, and the images are safely tucked away until 2023 — I did not make the same mistake as the previous year. Let’s call it a win.