January 20, 2019
The images below tell the story of what I saw as I walked around Tokyo on January 20th, 2019.
What did you do on this day?
I took photographs near work on this day, I didn’t take the entire day off as I normally would have, but tried to fit in work and this project. Making time to explore around work during breaks has been my normal routine since 2011 when I began to take photographs. Taking photographs close to home (or work) is important for me, there is an appeal in visiting the same locations time after time, discovering the minute changes that occur day in and day out. Too many people get bogged with the idea of having to travel to take photographs, or that which they see everyday is boring or uninteresting - to those people I say, look closer, harder, and start paying better attention to what is around you.
How do you feel about the photos a year later?
Over the past year I have been actively working on grouping images, either for projects or my monthly images. I’ve focused my editing on connections (what can you guess is the connection between subjects?) and looking (what are you looking at, what can you hear, what is appealing to you?). While I don’t actively engage in taking photographs this way, inevitably there are photos which I feel group well together when I finally see them, sometimes the groupings are instant, and other times it takes a bit of seeing to find them. Waiting the year to see the images for the first time is exciting and dreadful, the previous years, as I wrote last year, serve as a reminder to continue exploring, and to keep taking photographs.