Everyday English (Vocabulary Building)

Topic: Clothes

Lesson Notes March 19, 2024 (Vocabulary Building)

  • After her stroke she regained movement, but not the ability to speak.

    • I think she can hang on until her 100th birthday. (Informal “can live”)

  • Her mother is healthy, but she is rather selfish and inconsiderate to her family.

    • The care manager told us to just put up with her.

  • Don’t go to the main island, visit the smaller islands they are nice.


  • Regain; (verb) obtain use of ability again after losing it

  • Inconsiderate; (adj) thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others

  • Put up with; (phrase) tolerate or endure something


  • How long does it take you to choose an outfit in the morning?

  • Do you have a favourite item of clothing?

  • Do you like to wear bright and colourful clothes?

  • Is there something that you would never wear?

Describing a Simple Position

  • On the (right / left)

  • On (Righthand / lefthand) side

    • On the far (right / righthand side / left / lefthand side)

  • In the (middle / centre)

    • Near the (middle / centre)

A: Look at the outfit on that man on the left.

B: My left or your left?

A: My left.

B: Wow that’s a bright pink suit!

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.


Yamayuri 英会話クラス

