Everyday English (Elementary)
Topic: On Holiday
Lesson Notes July 11, 2023 (Elementary)
I bought a few small things, the money goes to an Asian Children’s Charity.
How many countries participated in the cultural exchange?
Various groups performed (on the stage). (NOT Various groups had a stage)
Relative; ( REL-uh-tiv ) a family member who is not a parent, a sibling or a child
The purpose of our trip was to visit relatives.
A: Which relatives are coming to visit this summer?
B: Your grandparents, and a couple of aunts and cousins. Your uncles are busy, so we will see them later in the year.I really like trees with colour or beautiful leaves.
My husband fell off the ladder and landed on his lower back.
When I got off the plane I tripped over a suitcase.
I used to trip over my shoe laces when I was walking.
Pronunciation (“qu” words make a “kw-“ sound)
Queen ( kween )
Quick ( kwik )
Quiet ( kwahy-it )
Qualification (kwoluh-if-key-shuhn )
Quack ( kwak )
Quilt ( kwilt )