Lesson Notes January 24, 2023 (TUESDAY ZOOM)
It sounds like the house was targeted for robbery.
My husband never locks the door.
Are you going to get a security system (installed)?
Ransack; (verb) go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
The burglars ransacked the house looking for money.
Someone had ransacked the office looking for documents.
I read in the news that the family kept hundreds of millions of yen in their house.
We use on when talking about communication through transmission, on (TV / the radio / on the phone / on the web / on Facebook / on YouTube etc)
Do you buy books on Amazon?
I bought this new pair of shoes on the internet.
Our delivery is (late / delayed) because this item is popular.
Pistachio cream spread
After many washings the blanket loses its texture. (NOT after many laundries)
We use off when something is attached, and we use down when something is hanging
The handle on my tea pot fell off.
My sunglasses fell off and broke.
The picture on my wall fell down.
Ruffles; (noun) material gathered along an edge to make a frill
I bought a shirt that had ruffles around the neck.
I have a lot of regrets when buying from catalogues.
Buckwheat (husk)