Everyday English (Elementary)

Topic: Making Small Talk

Lesson Notes February 21, 2023 (Elementary)

  • Stuffy; blocked up and making breathing difficult

    • You sound a little stuffy today. Is it because of your allergies?

  • I rescheduled my appointment for a later date.

    • I postponed going to the city office, it was too windy.

  • In casual conversation we use stomach flu instead of norovirus

    • I can't come to work today because I think I caught the stomach flu and I don't want to risk getting my coworkers sick.

    • Unfortunately, the school had to close temporarily due to an outbreak of stomach flu among the students.

  • I really like (hot / spicy) Thai food. My friend likes it only a little hot.

  • We use "-ish" with colours show that is somewhat similar to the original colour. We can use these words in a variety of contexts, such as in fashion, art, or even in nature.

    • "The sky was a bluish-grey colour, indicating that a storm was on the way.”

    • "The leaves of the tree had a yellowish tinge, showing the arrival of autumn.”

    • "The walls of the room were painted a greenish-blue colour, creating a tranquil atmosphere."

Making Small Talk

Emphasis should be placed on the most important word(s) in the sentence

  • The weather is perfect today.

  • This soup is delicious.

  • I really like your new office.

  • The rooms aren’t very good here.

  • The traffic is really bad.

  • The speaker is very interesting.


Practice saying out loud the statements and responses in Section 1

Kristopher Matheson

Hello, I'm Kristopher, a Canadian teaching English & photographer in Japan. I am primarily interested in urban environments and the people found there, as well as abstractionism in architecture and landscapes.



