Lesson Notes February 14, 2025 (FRIDAY ZOOM)
Words & Phrases
It’s really difficult to control the temperature of chocolate.
Today is Valentine’s Day? I didn’t even realize!
There are various clinics in this medical complex.
There’s a medical centre with several clinics.
The government says everyone should have a family doctor. (NOT a home doctor)
If the sinkhole isn’t repaired, it’ll become larger. (NOT more larger)
It could become much larger.
Japan’s sewer system covers around 490,000 km, which is like 12 trips around the Earth.
Sewage gas can be dangerous if it’s trapped in a poorly ventilated area.
He’s a forward thinker.
His host father, who’s a chef, made him Japanese curry.
The study-abroad agency told him he shouldn’t text his family too much.
This might be the case, rather than “he can’t text his family”
Appropriate Language
“Wait, it’s Valentine’s Day today? I had no idea!” (More conversational)
The government recommends that everyone have a primary care doctor.” (More precise)
“He’s always thinking ahead.” (More natural)
“He’s good at anticipating future trends.” (More descriptive)
You can use “host” in a similar way to describe family members or people who accommodate guests.
Host family
“I still keep in touch with my host family from my exchange program.
Host parents
“My host parents took me on a road trip last weekend.”
Host mother
“His host mother taught him how to cook local dishes.”
Host brother/sister
“My host brother introduced me to his friends at school.”