Lesson Notes April 9, 2024 (TUESDAY ZOOM)
My mother is pretty much bedridden these days.
My 101-year-old-mother-in-law fell last year and needed medical help. (= my mother-in-law who is 101 years old …)
People use phrases like "nursing home," "assisted living facility," or "care facility" instead of "care house.”
My throat was very sore, so I had trouble swallowing.
Long life is genetic, you can inherit it from your parents.
My voice is still hoarse from being sick.
On Google search, there are a lot of hidden animations that appear when you search for a word, such as 'cat' or 'Hanami,' and then click the icon.
There is a nice area with wide bicycle (lanes / paths).
Shinjuku park doesn’t allow alcohol inside the park. They check your bags and confiscate any alcohol.
Bedridden; (adj) confined to bed by sickness or old age
Genetic; (adj) relating to genes or heredity
Hoarse; (adj) (of a person's voice) sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or of shouting
Confiscate; (verb) to take somebody’s property, especially by authority